The components of the Powerframes Dissectible Machines System comprise a full trainer that covers a wide range of generators and motors, including DC, Single and 3 phase AC, and stepper. The trainer is centred on the Intelitek Dissectible Machine, which is aimed to teach students about the fundamentals of electrical motors and generators.

The components of the Power frames Dissectible Machines System comprise a full trainer that covers a wide
range of generators and motors, including DC, Single and 3 phase AC, and stepper. The trainer is centred on
the Intelitek Dissectible Machine, which is aimed to teach students about the fundamentals of electrical
motors and generators.

Model No-IES05-089

Power supplies, drives and control equipment, as well as loading and instrumentation modules, are all
provided as panels on the trainer. These panels can be readily slipped into and out of a bench-standing
frame that has been specifically developed for them. The frame is made of a high-tech, fiber-loaded,
hard plastic that is also electrically insulated for further safety.

The instructor takes a hands-on approach to learning about electrical machine concepts and
construction for students at all levels, from vocational to graduate engineer. The Dissectible
Machine was created with the intent that the properties of the built machines closely resemble
those of their industrial counterparts.

The trainer receives a written manual as well as a CD with a variety of step-by-step theory, courseware, and experiment assignments that can be completed using the adaptable and extensive dissectible machine.

The system components that make up the trainer are sold separately, allowing clients to build a trainer that meets their specific requirements.


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