The complete Work Bench is made with Sheet metal and MS Tubes (CRC) with powder coated in two colours
for better aesthetic looks. The overall dimensions of the workstation approx.1500mmX 1300mm X 800mm; with a caster
wheel and a locking mechanism is to be provided for easy movement, working area is made from 25mm Thick
wood based plain particle board with one side post forming 9 (flat profile) 0.8mm Marino laminate and
another side 0.6mm white balancing laminate and top with a thick antistatic mat. Fixed drawer units for
storage facility 400mmX200mm.
Additional pedestal wooden cabinet (450mmX450X700) mm with 3 drawers and castor wheel with center
locking facility has provided for Safety.
- Perforated Sheet for hanging tools and other
accessories,2 Nos of exhaust fan is provided for better
ventilation and heat distribution, Workstation has got
4points AC input sockets and Switches for Additional
instruments connections on the Work area. - Two suitable students Stools/chairs will be provided for
the students to perform their experiments by sitting. - Workstation has got the unique identification number
and centralized monitoring and control facility by
instructor remotely, workstation has got the facility to
identify and alert the physical and Mechanical damage
over cloud/text to instructor and maintenance team. - Top of the working area is covered with Anti-static mat
Work bench consist of following instruments with centralized control
1. Digital Storage Oscilloscope: 100MHz Bandwidth, Four-channel digital storage
oscilloscope, Memory depth of digital channel of up to
24 Mpts, real-time sample rate of up to 2 GSa/s, 7-inch
WVGA (800×480) TFT LCD, intensity graded colour
display, with the option of Integrated 2 Channel full
function 25MHz generator, 30,000 wfms/s Waveform
Capture rate, Multi-Level intensity graded display, Serial
Triggering and Analysis Options, Low noise floor, vertical
scale range: 1 mV/div to 10 V/div, 4 Nos of Passive
probes, Real-time waveform recording and playback
functions (up to 60,000 frames).
2. DC Power Supply
Output voltage range: 0-50.00V with 0.01V resolution,
Output current range: 0-5.000A with 0.001A resolution,
Output power range: 0- 250.0W,
Display Screen: seven-segment display for display of
voltage, current, power and other set parameters, CC
and CV facility.
Fixed voltages: +/-5V DC, +/-12V DC, +/-15V DC.
3. Function-Pulse Generators with Frequency
Frequency Range 0.3 Hz – 10 MHz,
Sine, Square, Triangle, Ramp, Pulse and TTL outputs
20 Vpp output and DC Offset
40 MHz Frequency Counter
Rise time & Fall time £ 50 ns
Digital Readout with backlit Color LCD
TTL output
50Ω Output Impedance.
Modulation FM, PM, AM, PWM, FSK, ASK, PSK.
4. Soldering Station:
170 to 270 V, Temperature range: 180 to 480 °C
Temp stability: ± 10°C
Temp accuracy: ± 1°C of tolerance,
Set / Read of temperature Control facility, Password
protection facility to stop tampering with set
temperature, Burn proof silicon cable with thermal
resistance up to 600 °C.
Power rating: 60W.
Soldering smoke absorber:
Adjustable arm for fan
ESD Safe
The extractor filter active with carbon
5. Meters
2 Nos of 0-100mV DC Voltmeter and 2 Nos of 0-100V DC Voltmeter
2 Nos of 0-10mA DC Ammeter and 2 Nos of 0-1A DC Ammeter
2 Nos of 0-100mV DC Voltmeter and 2 Nos of 0-100V DC Voltmeter
2Nos of 0-10mA DC Ammeter and 2 Nos of 0-1A DC Ammeter
Energy Meter: 1 No of Single phase Energy Meter
1 No of 3 phase Energy Meter.
Digital Multimeter (1 No)
Auto Ranging 4 1⁄2 Digit,
DC Voltage: 0.1mV ~ 1000V,
AC Voltage: 0.1mV ~ 750V,
DC Current : 0.1 uA – 20A,
AC Current: 0.1 uA – 20A,
Resistance, Capacitance, hfe test facility,
Frequency: 0.1Hz ~ 30MHz,
Standard Accessories: Test leads, holster, manual, TP 01
temperature probe.
Digital Clamp Meter
Current Range: 0-1000A AC, V
voltage Range: 0-1000V
AC and DC, 3 1⁄2 digit digital display.
Analog Trainer
Analog Trainer Kit which is widely used to
train engineers to Develop/Study
hardware for any Active & Passive
components in the laboratory. This board
has a Resistor bank, capacitor bank,
Inductor bank, Regulators, Transistors,
Diodes, Relay etc for experimenting the
active & Passive component techniques
- Resistor Banks ranging from 10 ohms to 1M ohm
- Capacitor Bank ranging from 1Kpf – 1micro farad
- Inductor Bank
- Voltage regulators one each IC-7805, 7905
- Transistors one each NPN-BC547,SL100, PNP-BC558,SK100
- JFET 2N3819, MOSFET BS170, DIAC DB3, UJT 2N6027, SCR TYN612, TRAIC BT136
- Diodes 1N 4007 (4 Nos.), Diode 1N4148, Diode OA79, Zener Diodes 1.2V, 5.1V, 12V
- 12V SPDT Relay with outputs NC, NO & Common terminated on 2mm banana sockets
- Onboard Thermistor, Photodiode & LDR.
- One 8ohm Speaker with outputs on 2mm banana sockets
- One five mm LED with outputs terminated on 2mm banana sockets
- On board Two Input Switches & Two Output Led Indicator
- Variable potentiometers of 1K, 100K provided on board 20 Pin Vero Socket with
output terminated in 2mm Socket - Fixed DC Power Supply: ±12V.
- Variable DC Power supply of 0 to +15V & 0 to 30V.
- AC Power Supply of 15V-0-15V-
- All interconnections are made using 2mm socket.
- All ICS are mounted on IC Sockets.
- Bare board Tested Glass Epoxy SMOBC PCB is used.
- Attractive ABS Enclosure.
- User’s Manual with sample experimental programs
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