The analog digital circuit development platform is designed to meet the requirements for performing analog and digital electronics experiments on a single platform. This makes it easy to design, experiment and test circuits without soldering. Students can explore a wide range of electronic concepts simply by inserting components into the breadboard. All connections and controls are clearly marked and conveniently located. It is very useful in analog and digital electronics laboratories for conducting experiments in colleges and universities. It is also useful for building and testing circuits as well as creating projects related to analog electronics or while learning the subject.


  1. On board DC and AC Power Supplies
  2. Solderless Breadboard
  3. Functional blocks indicated on board mimic
  4. Field Input and Output modules
  5. On board Logic Probe, Speaker, and Potentiometers
  6. Self contained and easy to operate
  7. On board 8 bit Data switches and 8 bit LED display


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